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International Summer Course 2024

Medzinárodný letný kurz The International Summer Course at the Europe Center will take place from July 22 to August 4. (Note that this is a week earlier than usual to accommodate our lamas' schedules). H. H. the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje will join us from July 24 to 27, Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche from August 2 to 4 and Lama Ole Nydahl will be present at the EC throughout the whole course. More detailed program will be available at www.summercourse.ec

HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa's program: Summer 2024

Medzinárodný letný kurz HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa's program in the Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Summer 2024 will take place on 19 — 23/6 in Spain, 13 — 14/7 in London and 24 — 27/7 in The Diamond Way Europe Center. Detailed program information will follow in due course.
