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Reports and photos

Here you can find some photos from events which took place in Slovakia, later maybe also some translated reports and articles ;-).

Report: Mangútovo Summer Course 2024

Mangútovo 2024 Photogallery | FB : We bring you a look back to the Summer International lecture-meditation course in Slovakia with several traveling teachers and over 160 participants, which took place from 29/8 to 1/9 in the Diamond Way Buddhist Retreat Center Mangútovo near Hriňová town.

Report: The New Year's Course 2018 in Bratislava

NYC 2018 Fotogaléria | FB : We bring you photo-selection from different authors from the New Year's Course in Bratislava with Lama Ole Nydahl and Jigme Rinpoche. More than 7000 participants (more than 4000 in one moment) from over 30 countries joined the program of the course. Another photo galleries: 1 | 2

Report: Mangútovo 2016 - Summer course with Lama Ole Nydahl

Mangútovo 2016 Photogallery | FB : We bring you selection of photos from the Summer course with Lama Ole Nydahl in Mangútovo, which took place from 23rd to 26th of June 2016, with about 1500 visitors.

Report: Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava, 27/10/2015

Lama Ole in Bratislava We bring you selection of photos from different authors from the visit of Lama Ole in Bratislava, 27/10/2015. He entered the new place of Bratislava's buddhist center for the first time. In the evening the public lecture took place with 1800 visitors. Fotogaléria | FB

Report: Space and Bliss Exhibition

Space and Bliss After end of Space and Bliss exhibition, which took place in National Slovak Museum in Bratislava in February and March, we provide the selection of photos showing the atmosphere of the exhibition as well as its preparing. We would like to thank you all the visitor as well as to everybody who has been participated. Photogallery | FB | More photos at FB page of Space and Bliss | You can also download short video from Slovak news-TV: video + english subtitles

Report: We have bought forme sanatorium for the new buddhist center in Bratislava

Kyjevská After years of wishes and effort of many our friens, 18th of February 2015 our Diamond Way Buddhist assocation has signed the purchase contract for the building of former sanatorium for the new buddhist center in Bratislava. We are looking forward to a lot of joyful effort, until we are able to start using the new place. Photogallery from the firts visit in the new place | Video | News at diamondway-buddhism.org

Report: Mangútovo 2013 - Summer course with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl

Mangútovo 2013 Photogallery | FB : as a memory of the summer meditation course with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and Lama Ole Nydahl in Mangútovo, which took place there from 16th to 20th of July, we bring you collection of photos from different authors.

Report: Winter in Mangútovo 2012

Winter in Mangútovo 2012 Photogallery: we bring you winter selection of the photos from events, which took place in our retreat center Mangútovo in December 2012 and January 2013.

Report: Diamond Way Buddhist Centers and Meditation Groups in Slovakia 2012

SK centers 2012 Photogallery: At the occasion of completing the group photos of more than 620 Diamond Way buddhist centers worldwide, we bring you photos from our 13 centers and meditation groups in Slovakia.

Report: Lama Ole in Bratislava, 11.-12.12.2012

Lama Ole in Bratislava 2012 Photogallery: We bring you selection of photos from the visit of Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava, on the 11th - 12th of December 2012. He has introduced Slovak edition of the Buddhist book about Death and Rebirth, afterwards he had the lecture on the topic Fearlessness of Mind.

Report: Mangútovo 2012 - meditation course with Lama Ole Nydahl

Mangútovo 2012 Photogallery: as a memory of the summer meditation course with Lama Ole Nydahl in Mangútovo, which took place there from 16th to 19th of August, we bring you collection of photos from different authors.

Report: Ngöndro course with Lama Ole Nydahl in Mangútovo 2011

Mangútovo 2011 Photogallery: As a retrospect in the Ngöndro course with Lama Ole Nydahl which took place last year in Mangutovo we bring selection of photos from different authors.

Report: Mangútovo 2010

Mangútovo 2010 Photogallery: we are bringing you selection of photos taken in Mangútovo during the year 2010.

Report: Lecture tour of Lama Ole Nydahl in Slovakia 2010

Lama Ole SK tour Photogallery: from the lecture tour of Lama Ole Nydahl in Slovak cities: Nitra (19.7.), Trenčín (20.7.), Žilina (21.7.) and Košice (22.7.)

Report: Buddhist center in Bratislava is moving to the new place

Nové priestory BA centra Photogallery: from the moving of our Buddhist center in Bratislava to the new rented place in the city center.

Report: Mangútovo 2009 - Great Seal course with Lama Ole Nydahl

Mangútovo 2009 Mangútovo 2009 Photogallery: we bring you selection of photogalleries from public lecture of Lama Ole Nydahl in Banská Bystrica and Great Seal course, which took place in Mangútovo from 23th to 26th of July 2009. We also bring the presentation (YouTube video) about Mangútovo from 2006 to 2009.

Report: Silvester in Mangútovo 2008

Mangútovo 2008 Photogallery: from the silvester/new year meditaton retreat in Mangútovo from 30. 12. 2008 to 6. 1. 2009.

Report: Lecture of Lama Ole in Bratislava - 7.12.2008

11.01.2009 (more authors)
Láma Ole v Bratislave Photogallery: from the lecture of Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava on 7th of December 2008.

Report: Mangútovo 2008 - a working course with Lama Ole

Mangútovo 2008 Photogallery: We bring you selection of photogalleries from working course with Lama Ole Nydahl, which took place in Mangútovo from 23th to 25th of July 2008.

Report: Mangútovo in May 2008

Mangútovo Photogallery: we are bringing you selection of photos taken in Mangútovo and neighbourhood as our contribution for the photo exhibition in Hriňová town.

Report: 10 years anniversary of Diamondway Buddhism in Slovakia

Photogallery: As we celebrate a tenth years anniversary of Diamondway Buddhism in Slovakia, we are bringing you a selection of photos from the time since 1998 until 2008.

Report: Work weekend in Europe Center - March 2008

Photogallery: from the visit of slovak buddhists in the international Europe Center 14th - 17th of March 2008. More about the project of Europe Center you can find at http://europe-center.org.

Report: Silvester at Mangútovo 2007

31.12.2007 (more authors)

Report: Tibet 2006

23.12.2007 (Michal Kováčik)

Report: Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava (14.12.2007)

14.12.2007 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo Meditation Course 2007

30.09.2007 (more authors)

Report: Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche in Slovakia 2007

31.07.2007 (more authors)

Report: Reconstruction in Mangútovo - Summer 2007

30.07.2007 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo - Spring 2007

30.04.2007 (more authors)

Report: Silvester at Mangútovo 2006

31.12.2006 (more authors)

Report: Flight above Mangútovo

30.09.2006 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo 2006 - working course with Lama Ole Nydahl

30.08.2006 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo - Summer 2006 (preparation of the course)

01.07.2006 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo - Spring 2006

01.05.2006 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo - Winter 2006

30.01.2006 (more authors)

Report: Mangútovo - Autumn 2005

01.11.2005 (more authors)

Report: Phowa Těnovice - Czech republic (24.8.2005 - 28.8.2005)

25.08.2005 (Peter Hudák)

Report: Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava (6.5.2005)

06.05.2005 (more authors)

Report: Lama Ole Nydahl in Bratislava (12.12.2004)

12.12.2004 (Karol Kočí)

Report: Phowa Slovakia, Fiľakovské Kľačany - 18th - 22nd of August 2004

01.09.2004 (more authors)
