Diamond Way Buddhism of the Karma Kagyu lineage Slovakia

Welcome to the website about Diamond Way Buddhism of the Karma Kagyu tradition in Slovakia under the spiritual guidance of H.H. 17th Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje and directed by Lama Ole Nydahl. It aims to present the richness of Buddha's teachings to modern western people and to inform about activities, projects and buddhist centers of our lineage in Slovakia. More...

Centers in Slovakia


International Summer Course 2024

Medzinárodný letný kurz The International Summer Course at the Europe Center will take place from July 22 to August 4. (Note that this is a week earlier than usual to accommodate our lamas' schedules). H. H. the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje will join us from July 24 to 27, Nedo Kuchung Rinpoche from August 2 to 4 and Lama Ole Nydahl will be present at the EC throughout the whole course. More detailed program will be available at www.summercourse.ec

HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa's program: Summer 2024

Medzinárodný letný kurz HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa's program in the Diamond Way Buddhist Centers in Summer 2024 will take place on 19 — 23/6 in Spain, 13 — 14/7 in London and 24 — 27/7 in The Diamond Way Europe Center. Detailed program information will follow in due course.
