Time does not stop for any of us. In the meantime, actions and results being linked to time are perpetuated. We must try to gain more clarity of mind while we are here.
Tenis center TJ Slávia Právnik (approach via Jantárova road, Petržalka, Veľký draždiak lake, at Medissimo hospital) >>MAP<< | PARKING
Entrance fee: 9 € | students, pensioners: 7 € (Entrance tickets will be sold on site before the lecture.)
Additional information
The lecture will be held in English with consequent translation into Slovak language.
After the lecture there will be space for your questions and in case you are interested there is a possibility to take part in meditation guided by Lama Ole.
Accommodation after the lecture:
Those who will need to stay over night after the lecture, please arrange the accommodation yourself in advance, or contact us at . Due to the organization reasons there won't be possible to stay in the buddhist center.
Organizators contacts:
Spoločnosť buddhizmu Diamantovej cesty - Karma Kagjü, o.z.