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Bratislava, public lecture, Lama Ole Nydahl

27.10.2015 (Tuesday) 19:00
what: Lecture about "Buddhism in everyday life"
where: Bratislava
place: HANT Aréna, Trnavská ul. 29, Bratislava (There is enough free parking places directly around the hall.)
fee: 10 € | students, pensioners: 8 €
info: +421 903 791 479 (Lenka)

Additional information

Láma Ole Nydahl in Bratislava

  • The lecture will be held in English with consequent translation into Slovak language.
  • After the lecture there will be space for your questions and in case you are interested there is a possibility to take part in meditation guided by Lama Ole.

Organizators contacts:

  • Spoločnosť buddhizmu Diamantovej cesty - Karma Kagjü, o.z.
  • +421 903 791 479 |
