Activities, which support the development of Diamond Way Buddhism in Slovakia and abroad, such as organising the lectures of buddhist teachers, establishing buddhist centers and publishing books and magazines, are covered by the Diamondway Buddhism Association - Karma Kagyu. Its seat is at Kyjevská 9, 831 02, Bratislava, Slovakia. IČO: 34057871, DIČ: 2021436054. Bank Account: SK88 1100 0000 0026 2478 6522. Contact:
The Managing Board of the Association
Lenka Fričová - statutory of the Association
Pavol Surovec - statutory of the Association
Tomáš Isteník - statutory of the Association
Albert Mikovíny
Ľubomíra Somodiová
The Supervisory Board of the Association
Zuzana Ilavská
Branislav Styk
Ján Kysucký
Contact for the Association:
+421 905 731 483 (Lenka Fričová)
Possibilities of supporting our projects and activities
If you are interested in supporting projects and activities of our Association by a financial donation, you can do that by transferring money to the following bank accounts (It is for transfering money within Slovakia, if you would like to support us from abroad, please contact us: .
Activities of our Association
IBAN code: SK88 1100 0000 0026 2478 6522, SWIFT code: TATR SK BX
Tatrabanka, name of account: Spoločnosť buddhizmu Diamantovej cesty