Home > Contacts > Centers in Slovakia > Mangútovo > How to get there

How to get to Mangútovo


Map of Slovakia
Detailed map

Nearest bigger cities from where you can get to Mangútovo

  • Bratislava
  • Vienna/Wien
  • Budapest

By car

  • from Bratislava take the route to Nitra, next Žiar nad Hronom, Zvolen, then straight to Lučenec, passing Detva, passing Kriváň and continue to Hriňová
  • from Košice take the route to Rožňava, Rimavská Sobota, Lučenec, passing Kriváň and continue to Hriňová
  • from Žilina take the route to Martin, Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, then straight to Lučenec, passing Detva, passing Kriváň and continue to Hriňová

Notice for the motorbike owners - it may be difficult to get to our land by normal motorbike, especially when the road is muddy.

Navigation for cars

Google navigation | Photo-navigation

By public transport

Check out the site www.cp.sk to see what busses and/or trains to take, to get from your location to Hriňová. The best route is to take a bus to Zvolen and there you change to a bus going to Hriňová (Get off at "Hriňová - stred" bus stop). Those, who dare can follow navigation for walk. If you need a shuttle from the bus station of from the parking at the Ski Center Košútka, call us.
